Our cultural and science lessons are designed to help our children learn to love discovering their world.
In the eyes of a child, their world does not extend much more beyond themselves. Research has shown that, the more Children understand their world and the more they learn about their world, the more peaceful the world will be. And it is important to apply as many concrete experiences as possible. The way we go about doing that is by starting with the biggest of the lessons - the solar system.
We have all types of fun ways that we teach the Children about the planets in the solar system.
Then we bring it down to where we live on earth. All the components that make up Earth, including fun puzzles with the continents and the countries in those continents, down to their neighbourhood, to their school, to their bodies - the science lessons about vital organs and the names we use for parts of the body. It's all about helping a child learn their place on the world.
And one of the popular songs that students come back for years and remember is the continent's song, which is something we introduce the very beginning of the year to help the students remember the names of the continents.
If children are studying Andra Pradesh, and if we happen to have a parent of a child in our classroom from Karnataka, we would ask them if they would come into our classroom and maybe do a presentation on their traditional dress or their language or style of music from their area. And it has enriched our program so much.
When children are studying botany, finding different leaves from the botany cabinet and finding them again when they go on nature walks amazes them. In the science area - things that may sink or float will surprise the children.
Other concepts that we work with the Children on our things like the passage of time and we do this with timelines where they can talk about the years of their life and what they were doing at one (1 o’ clock), what they were doing it two(2 o’ clock).
We also talk about the calendar, days of the week and the seasons. They love to learn about the different seasons depending on where they live in the world.
What's wonderful about all of the lessons in these cultural and science lessons is it gives that child a sense of compassion because they understand their place in the world. They understand about different people and different living things - the science lessons of living and non-living.
The cultural curriculum incorporates history and geography, which emphasize appreciation and respect for other times and other cultures, botany and zoology, which brings an awareness of all of nature and the first experiences and caring for living things, science with experiments to begin the discovery of the laws of the universe, art in all forms, music from many lands and movement.
Everything helps our child understand their responsibility to the planet and the compassion that they show toward other Children and other people is priceless.
The Children are excited about what they're learning. They're very interested and they always have so many questions.
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