Dr. Maria Montessori Birthday 2023


“It is not true that I invented what is called the Montessori Method…. I have studied the child; I have taken what the child has given me and expressed it, and that is called the Montessori Method.” - Dr. Maria Montessori

Category : Montessori                         Date : 31.08.2023                                    Day : Thursday

  • Our category was enlightened with the celebration of Dr. Maria Montessori’s birthday on 31.8.2023 (Thursday).
  • Candles, balloons, flowers etc., were the highlighting areas of the birthday celebration of the nightingale who succeeded in creating a place and respect for the children on the earth.
  • White colour signifies purity. Montessori munchkins were dressed up in white to make the celebration remarkable.
  • She created a Child Oriented Methodology where all get an opportunity to excel in one or the other areas of getting nurtured to be a responsible citizen of tomorrow. Let her blessings be showered on the lives of the children.