Mini Athletic Meet (I & II)


“Every child’s need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them”

Category : I & II                         Date : 21.10.2023                                   Day : Saturday

  • From Montessori to Class III have added feather to the cap by conducting  MINI ATHLETIC MEET on Saturday, 21 October 2023.
  • This wonderful happening was blessed with the presence of the chief guest Shri.N.S.Nagalingam DSP of Dharmapuri. The celebration became noteworthy with the presence of Administrative officer, Senior Prinicipal, Principal, A.Cos and teachers. Parents had given their full support on this special occasion.
  • Our Seraphim demonstrate the heel march by digging their heel to the ground, with toes pointed upwards and arms swinging rhythmically. Our children showed their stamina and full potential in non standard events. Ethnic events like drill, duo of parents with their children and musical chair for the parents made this athletic meet a resounding success.